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Level Life Cover: Balancing Stability and Security

Level Life Cover: Balancing Stability and Security

New Zealanders are living longer, but is their quality of life keeping pace? Average life expectancy for both men and women is now stretching into the 80s, increasing yearly, and is expected to reach an average of 85 by just 2038.  However, while most of us celebrate the idea of a long life, increasing life expectancies creates a few potential...

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Meet the team – Peter O’Rourke

Meet the team – Peter O’Rourke

With over 30 years of experience in financial services, Peter is dedicated to helping his clients achieve their financial goals. We’re delighted to welcome him onboard as our latest addition to the Wealth Team.  From avid Warriors fan and explorer of New Zealand to helping clients realise their financial potential, we know you’ll enjoy getting to...

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Diversification – your double-edged defence to greater long-term results

Diversification – your double-edged defence to greater long-term results

Are you protecting your long-term wealth with diversification? According to stats from the CFA Institute, only 21.4 per cent of U.S. stocks beat the market over 20 years from 1927 – 2020, illustrating the utmost importance of diversifying your portfolio and not relying on one ‘golden goose’ to bring you success. But what is diversification, and...

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Protecting Retirement: Planning For The Unexpected

Protecting Retirement: Planning For The Unexpected

We all hope and wish for our ideal retirement; spending more time with friends and family, chasing a long-overdue passion project or relaxing on extended overseas holidays. Whether retirement is in the distant future, just around the corner, or you’re already there, you’ll know how essential it is to plan and prepare – not just for the things you...

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Mortgage and Income protection: Comparing the options

Mortgage and Income protection: Comparing the options

Dreaming about the day you purchase your first home? Perhaps you’re reminiscing over the elation and joy that came when your offer was accepted? Your first home is a pivotal step in your financial journey. But, for many, it can also be a wake-up call when faced with the labyrinth of personal insurance choices, and understanding which ones are...

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Empowering Your Financial Journey: A Spotlight on Andre de Almeida

Empowering Your Financial Journey: A Spotlight on Andre de Almeida

Helping clients see their financial potential is a true point of pride here at AdviceFirst. As our business grows and evolves to serve your financial needs better, we love welcoming new people to our team of advisers. We’re delighted to introduce our most-recent addition, Andre de Almeida. Continue reading to learn more about Andre.    What do...

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AdviceFirst is a Financial Advice Provider (FSP23242).